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Learn to harness the power of HawgOps suite of tools. These tools can help you plan your next sortie, save time and reduce effort. It's a one stop shop for all your flight operation needs.

connected world

Build scenarios

Generate scenarios for not only CAS sorties, but any kind of sortie, to include air-to-air mission and CT. Fully open source, pilots are able to mission plan at work or at home.

Intel members are able to perform IPOE functions for exercises. JTACs are able to create products for use with the CAS team. Sim enthusiasts are able to plan for their next virtual sortie.

Whatever your reason is HawgOps is able to provide a seamless and efficient experience.

Check flight status

Check on weather status of arrival or alternate fields and at a glance determine if an alternate is required. Check on NOTAMs and ensure that you are fully ready to fly.

Information is aggregated through DoD approved channels, meaning a fully prepared solution to accomplish multiple tasks at a single glance.

Brief it up

Save time building maps, use the products you created to brief to your audience. Providing an interactive way to see real-time updates to the battlespace saves time and effectively increases the situational awareness of the tactical problem.